We are a Haulage Company in Cambridgeshire, hoping to help you prepare you and your HGV for a long journey…
As an official HGV driver taking on a long journey, it’s important you are prepared both physically and mentally for it. Whether you are a qualified driver or training to be one, everyone should know the risks of driving (or driving nearby) a Heavy Goods Vehicle. Not to worry, as we have collected a few tips and protocols you can use to prepare for your long journey.

Haulage Company in Cambridgeshire
Loading The Vehicle
As the driver, it is your responsibility to be aware of the load you are carrying, including the weight and fragility of it. You also need to make sure the load is secure in the correct manner, in order to prevent any damage to the products and an unhappy customer. As a general rule, it would be an effective idea to distribute the weight of the load evenly to increase the stability, with the centre of gravity of the load kept as low as possible.
Overall, there are lots of things to think about and the information you need to know about when loading your vehicle, such as:
- Calculating the payload.
- Knowing the weight limit of your vehicle.
- Is the load fully secure?
- Does the load need to be covered? (in case of weather conditions etc.)
- Consider harsh braking or any sudden acceleration.
- Are you going to stop for a break? If so, it would be a good opportunity to check the load when you stop.
- Know about the load – the vehicle operator MUST give you information on the load, including procedures to take in case of an emergency.
- Be prepared to lift loads safely – there is a chance you will be lifting and doing some manual work before/after your journey, so making sure you have the right knowledge, equipment and health to do so, you can prevent an injury.
Are You Fit Enough To Drive?
Whether you are driving on a holiday with your family or travelling alone in a lorry, you need to make sure you are fit enough to drive. All it takes is one mistake to cause injury, damage to your vehicle, mental health issues or even death, so is it worth it? As an official HGV driver, you should know the correct conditions to be in in order to be fit enough to drive, and what to do to avoid your wrong state approaching.
In order to keep yourself fit enough to drive, there are many long-term and short-term procedures you can take to ensure safe journeys. Regarding short-term, this involves having a healthy dinner and a great sleep the night before, as well as making sure you have no alcohol or drugs in your system and you have the right essentials in the vehicle with you such as water, snacks, tissues etc. Small little things can contribute to how you feel in the morning, so ensuring you have the right energy and motivation levels will make your journey a lot more fun and most importantly, safe.
On the other hand, long-term factors include getting regular medical checks and physiotherapy (if you have an injury) will give you the complete green light that you are healthy enough to make this journey. Even before you become an official HGV/LGV driver you need to hand in an up-to-date medical report with your application. This is to prevent any companies hiring someone unhealthy, as these jobs are no walks in the park.
Knowing & Following Drivers’ Rules
When you are driving in any vehicle you should ALWAYS be obeying the law i.e. no dangerous driving, following the speed limits and no driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. However, when you are driving a Heavy Goods Vehicle, you also need to follow a few more laws, such as the Drivers’ hours rules.
Furthermore, having an accident in a car can be fatal, but having an accident in an HGV can be catastrophic! That’s why there are official rules that prevent professional drivers working for a haulage company from being in control of their vehicle for too long, in order to prevent serious accidents. It has been reported that one in six serious accidents are caused by a driver falling asleep at the wheel, so these rules are put in place to decrease that rate. Fail to follow these rules and you (and your employer) could face a punishable fine and the potential risk of losing your HGV license.
On your long journey, make sure you take regular breaks to get your energy levels back up, even if it’s overnight!
As a Haulage Company in Cambridgeshire, we have a team of experienced professionals all trained with the right knowledge and control of our heavy good vehicles all to provide you with great customer service and a safe time on the road. Let us deliver you with the best service by contacting us today!
Thank you for reading, stay safe!