Semi-trailers – Are They The Future? – Swannells – Warehousing Cambridgeshire

Semi-trailers – Are They The Future? – Swannells – Warehousing Cambridgeshire

The Freight Transport Association (FTA) says a report released by the Department of Transport (DfT) shows that longer semi-trailers continue to make a significant contribution towards reducing HGV miles. Semi-trailers also have environment benefits and pose no greater safety risk than a normal HGV.

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The semi-trailers are up to 2.05m longer than the standard trailers that are commonly seen on the roads.

The FTA have shown their support of a ten-year trail that started back in 2012 to evaluate the impact of the operation of longer semi-trailers (LSTs) on Great Britain’s roads and the role that they can play in improving the efficiency of logistics.

However, it is essential that their use is monitored to ensure that they are used safely.

FTA’s Director of Policy, Karen Dee had this to say: “We are pleased that once again the report is demonstrating that LSTs have a really good safety record.  In addition, the improved efficiencies that they offer are reducing the overall number of lorry journeys and thus reducing fuel use and the associated emissions.  These types of developments will continue to play an essential part in efforts to tackle climate change and improve air quality.”

Dee continued: “Almost three quarters of goods movements are carried by road rather than by rail or water.  We need to maximise the use of rail and water freight as part of making the UK’s supply chain as efficient, clean and safe as possible, but they can never replace road – that is why we need to maximise the efficiency of road freight as well as the other modes.”

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More Female Truckers! – Swannells – Haulage Companies in Cambridgeshire

More Female Truckers! – Swannells – Haulage Companies in Cambridgeshire

According to the latest FTA figures that have been released today, over 79% of ladies are eager to get behind the wheel of a lorry, and there is a rise in younger women wanting to take driving up as a career choice.

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The Freight Transport Association (FTA) carried out a poll on social media, asking women whether they would be willing to drive a 44-tonne truck, as currently, less than one percent of truckers are female. The results of the poll came back showing that 79 per cent of women would be prepared to drive a 44-tonne truck. As a result, the FTA are now exploring why more women aren’t coming into the industry.

Currently, in the UK there are around 315,000 registered truck drivers, but only 2,200 of those are female. Having said that, recent statistics are indicating a gender balance, and younger women wanting enter the profession is improving with 15 percent aged between 21 and 25.

Sally Gilson, FTA Skills Policy Development Manager says: “These figures are encouraging as it is essential that more women are recruited – currently only one per cent of HGV drivers in the UK are female.

“We believe that one of the biggest barriers for would-be truck drivers is the cost of gaining a licence and training – around £3,000.  FTA has been calling on Government to provide a suitable loan system.  The current Personal Career Development Loan option is not appropriate and a simple change to allow Level 2 qualifications to be included in the 19+ loan would provide the quickest and best solution.”

Solving the current shortfall of over 45,000 HGV drivers is a major campaign for the FTA, an issue that has been recognised in a Transport Select Committee report which quoted FTA evidence reflecting difficulties logistics operators face in recruiting drivers.

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The FTA Logistics Report 2016 shows that more than 64% of truck drivers are over the age of 45 – the average as has steadily increased over the last 15 years, and it continues to do so. Filling vacancies is getting harder and harder. This has been compounded in recent years by the consequence of economic growth and the huge rise in e-commerce. Lack of funding for vocational training for drivers means fewer are joining the industry and there is a real risk that the shortage of HGV drivers could devilry impact the economy.

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Improved Roadworks Information – Swannells – Warehousing Huntingdon

Improved Roadworks Information – Swannells – Warehousing Huntingdon

The Freight Transport Association (FTA) believe that the first 6 months of 2016 has been good for the transport industry and were quick to praise Highways England for the positive work that they have done. However, the FTA would like to see a better flow of information on forthcoming roadworks so that operators are able to plan ahead.

Long Term Certainty – Swannells – Warehousing Huntingdon

FTA’s comments followed publication of the Office of Rail and Road’s (ORR) first annual assessment of Highways England’s performance and delivery of its investment plan, covering the period from April 2015 to March 2016.

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FTA has supported the long-term certainty of £11.4 billion of funding for roads investment, of which around £2 billion is being related to 2015-16. Having said that, freight operators need the certainty of reliable information on the works that go to improving the road network to allow them to plan ahead better.

£1 Per Minute – Swannells – Warehousing Huntingdon

Unreliable journeys are disastrous for operators and can end up costing them around £1 per minute for each vehicle standing still in congestion and that cost has to be reduced by the industry. More certainty of plans going forward will provide the industry with important information and allow companies to make educated decisions on how they operate their fleets as these investments in the network are made.

FTA’s Head of Road Network Management Policy, Malcolm Bingham said: “It is good to see that Highways England has made a positive start within its first year. We can see that satisfaction in the performance of the network will improve if motorists and businesses are better informed as to how the road system will operate.”

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Freight Delivers The Summer – Swannells – Warehousing Cambridgeshire

Freight Delivers The Summer – Swannells – Warehousing Cambridgeshire

If you were to look out of your window you would probably have to remind yourself that we actually approaching the middle of July.

Freight Delivers The Tennis – Swannells Transport – Warehousing Cambridgeshire

However, luckily, the rain managed to stay well clear of the Wimbledon men’s single final this weekend. And whilst Andy Murray was celebrating winning the title for the second time, logistics operators were celebrating too. Another successful year for the industry as the supplied the tournament with around 27,000 kilos of strawberries and 7,000 litres of cream, not to mention the less important things such as the balls, nets and bottles of water.

Freight Delivers The Football – Swannells Transport – Warehousing Cambridgeshire

In case you have been living in a cave all weekend, it was also the final of Euro 2016. Portugal ran out 1-0 winners in their match against the hosts France. However, Portugal’s win wouldn’t have been possible if it wasn’t for the transport and logistics industry. The industry delivered everything from goal posts to burgers.

Ballymena-based company – Blair International were responsible for transporting all the Northern Ireland team’s equipment to its training camp in France and then back again after they were eliminated by Wales.

FTA’s Had of National and Regional Policy, Christopher Snelling, had this to say about the impact the freight industry had on this summers sporting events: “This summer’s sports tournaments are a fantastic illustration of how logistics delivers absolutely everything, from the smallest tennis ball to the enormous replica trophy that appeared on the pitch at the end of the Euro 2016 final.

“The importance of logistics to the supply chain cannot be underestimated. Sun lotion, flip-flops, ice cream, beach towels – all the summer essentials reach us thanks to logistics. Without it, the shops would be empty and our cupboards would be bare.” 

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Freight on The Thames – Swannells – Warehousing Cambridgeshire

Freight on The Thames – Swannells – Warehousing Cambridgeshire

The possibility of moving freight on the Thames will be the subject of a free conference which will be held by Freight on Water next month. The conference will provide delegates with all the latest information regarding water freight services in the Thames region and set out FTA proposals to improve market conditions for such a crucial sector. The free conference will take place on the 6th July on board PS Elizabethan, boarding at Butler’ Wharf Pier, Shad Thames, London.

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Freight by Water, which is run by the Freight Transport Association, is the UK’s official Short Sea Promotion Centre which has worked since it was created back in 2003, to enhance the use of short sea, costal shipping and inland waterways for the freight industry. Freight by Water has developed a diverse collection of stakeholders, including all the major UK ports.

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Freight by Water, which is chaired by Alex Beitch, FTA’s Head of Global Policy said: “The Thames is a key part of London’s transport infrastructure. While water freight traffic has increased in recent years, there is room for further growth. Our event will set out how planners, public authorities, shippers and operators can work together to develop water freight services, which in turn will help manage London’s traffic congestion problems.”

What will be discussed:

       Water Freight in London by the Port of London Authority

       TfL’s role in the water freight sector

       Freight by Water Policy Report

       Getting an operators perspective by Gerry Heward of Wood, Hall & Heward Ltd, Vice Chair of Freight by Water

       The London Construction Link

       Development of Freight by Water

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LGV Driver Apprenticeship Funding – Swannells – Warehousing Huntingdon

LGV Driver Apprenticeship Funding – Swannells – Warehousing Huntingdon

The news that a funding cap for the Supply Chain and Logistics LGV Standard, has been agreed and has been welcomed by the Freight Transport Association, who have described the agreement as a “step in right direction.”

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The news that there would be a funding allocation for LGV Driver Apprenticeships was made via a letter from David Sampson of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.

The FTA added that they were pleased that common sense had prevailed, with the Government allowing the logistics sector to include license acquisition training within the funding allocation for the Trailblazer LGV Driver Apprenticeship.

The FTA’s Skill Policy Manager, Sally Gilson, had this to say about the funding:  “Although the funding cap is lower than we hoped for, this is still a positive step by Government to help the industry grow the HGV drivers of the future. This will enable companies to capture a younger driver and gain funding for the licence acquisition training that will make apprenticeships a viable training solution.”

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Previously, there had been a lack of clarity from the Government which led to considerable lobbying by the logistics sector; this decision has been welcomed by the industry as it now has an official funding route.

Sally Gilson went on to add: “Now that businesses have this confirmation, they can prepare for the introduction of the levy and work with training providers to start their Apprenticeship Schemes.

“With the announcement of the Apprenticeship Levy last summer, it was crucial that industry had a usable LGV Driver Apprenticeship. This is excellent news and will finally provide a funded route for driver training.”

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‘Let’s get the economy moving’ – Warehousing Huntingdon – Swannells Transport

The Freight Transport Association (FTA) have stated that they have plans to write to Northern Ireland’s newly-appointed Infrastructure Minister to highlight key projects which are a priority for the logistics industry.

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On May 25th, Chris Hazard MLA was named as the Minister for the Department of Infrastructure, combining many of the responsibilities previously managed by the now defunct Department of Environment (DOE) and Department for Regional Development (DRD).

The DOE had ben responsible for road safety, roadside enforcement, vehicle testing, operator licensing and driver licensing. The DRD looked after road infrastructure, sustainability and public transport.

FTA’s Policy and Membership Manager for Northern Ireland, Seamus Leheny said: “FTA is pleased that all the transport-related departments in NI are now under the one department and Minister, meaning greater coherence between everything transport-related in local government.”

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Warehousing Huntingdon – Swannells

Mr. Leheny stated that the FTA would write to the new Minister two outline two key priorities:

  • The Upgrades of the A6 Belfast to L’Derry road and the York Street Interchange in Belfast.
  • Protect compliant commercial goods vehicle operators and improve road safety through targeted and consistent enforcement by the Driver & Vehicle Agency and the Transport Regulation Unit.

Other transport matters which could arise during the new Minister’s term include the potential sale of Belfast Harbour and the development of new vehicle test centres. The FTA are keen to talk to the Minister about both of the matters.

Mr. Leheny added to his statement by saying: “FTA looks forward to working with Minister Hazzard and the newly-appointed Infrastructure Committee and continuing to be the voice of the transport industry at the Northern Ireland Assembly.”

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Prescription Drugs and Driving – Swannells – Warehousing Cambridgeshire

Prescription Drugs and Driving – Swannells – Warehousing Cambridgeshire

Drug driving prosecutions reached an all-time high last year, the Freight Transport Association (FTA) says that all motorists need to be made aware of laws regarding prescription drugs.

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Many drivers are aware of the drink driving limits but no so many drivers are aware of the changes to in law in England and Wales on medications including diazepam and tamazepam. Limits have been introduced for 8 commonly-prescriped drugs and anyone whose driving could possibly be impaired through exceeding the limit may face prosecution.

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The penalty for drug driving is the same as drake driving in England and Wales, which results in an automatic ban for at least a year, a fine and in some cases six months in prison. In December 2014, lower alcohol limits were introduced in Scotland so it’s important that you are aware of the changes.

A report was conducted by, the comparison website. The report highlights a 144% increase in drug driving prosecutions in 2015, while one in every eight motorists admitted to feeling affected by prescription drugs and over-the-counter remedies, for example, hay fever tablets.

Key Updates – Swannells – Warehousing Cambridgeshire

To help all motorists on the road, Shopfta have produced a poster which contains all the relevant information to ensure that you are safe behind the wheel. The poster includes the following key updates:

The Road Traffic Act England and Wales

• New Scottish drink driving limits

• New drug driving laws and roadside testing

• Methods and time scales for drug detection

• Advice on prescription drugs use in the workplace

if you’re interested on buying a poster, click here.

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Thank you for reading the latest news from Swannells Transport. We offer a range of services including Warehousing in and around Cambridge. If you would like more information on our warehousing or any  other services, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Working with freight industry – Swannells – Warehousing Cambridgeshire

Working with freight industry – Swannells – Warehousing Cambridgeshire

Today is the day that London elects its new Mayor and Assembly, the Freight Transport Association (FTA) says that working in partnership with the logistics industry will make for a stronger, safer and cleaner capital city.

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FTA’s Freight Manifesto for London highlights a number of key issues such as airport expansion, HGV regulations and delivery restrictions, the Ultra-Low Emission Zone and road infrastructure. On top of this it also closely examines housing in light of the aspiration to build 60,000 new homes every year. The FTA have calculated that to build just one house, you need atlas 34 commercial vehicles.

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FTA’s Head of National & Regional Policy and Public Affairs, Christopher Snelling said: “It’s really important that the Mayoral candidates take into account the role of logistics and freight in the operating of London.

“We would like the new London Mayor and Assembly to work with the logistics industry. Our Manifesto sets out how we can help to deliver a stronger London, a cleaner London but also a safer London. These things can be done but they are best done through intelligently working together, not through simplistic measures that just make good headlines.”

Swannells Transport – Warehousing Cambridgeshire

London requires over 350,000 tonnes of goods to be supplied by lorry each day, and this is just for the city to operate efficiently. That works out at around 15,000 tonnes picked up or dropped off every hour, or 250 tonnes every minutes. And that figure excludes vans and other modes.

Thank you for reading the latest news from Swannells Transport. We offer a range of services include warehousing in Cambridgeshire, Haulages, as well as the delivery of dangerous goods. If you would like to know more about our warehousing and see if we can help you, visit our warehousing page here.

Freight Industry Delivers EVERYTHING! – Swannells Transport – Warehousing Cambridgeshire

Freight Industry Delivers EVERYTHING! – Swannells Transport – Warehousing Cambridgeshire

Did you know, it takes around 400 vans to deliver all the toilet roll used by Londoners everyday, and 23 articulated lorries just to transport all of the baked beans – just two small examples of why the freight industry is so important to our capital.

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The Freight Transport Association (FTA) have release their Freight Manifesto for the London mayoral elections on May 5th. The Manifesto highlights the importance of keeping the city moving, building a stronger economy, safer roads as well as looking to reduce pollution. The FTA believe that the London Mayor and London Assembly need to attenuate to work with the logistics industry to achieve these objectives in an ever-growing city where over 90% of good are moved by road.

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Around 360,000 tonnes of goods – everything from coffee to cars – are delivered to London by lorry everyday. That works out ay around 250 tonnes every minute, without taking into account deliveries by van, rail and other methods.

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Karen Dee, Director of Policy at FTA, had this to say: “Reforming night-time delivery restrictions in London would have a huge impact, not only on the volume of HGVs on the roads at busy times but also on air quality and safety.

She continued:

“Increasing air freight capacity, improving connectivity with new river crossings, incentivising the use of trucks with reduced blind spots and avoiding peak-time lorry bans would all contribute to a more prosperous, cleaner and safer London. FTA is keen to engage with the new Mayor and London Assembly on behalf of its members to ensure logistics is high on their agendas.”

Members of the FTA actually operate more than half of the UK lorry fleet and consign over 90% of rail freight and 70% of exports which are done by sea or air.

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