Experience and expertise make Swannells Transport the go-to delivery company for all your needs
As a company that has been in business since 1981, Swannells Transport has a long history of providing reliable and high-quality delivery services to clients throughout the UK. With a large and reliable fleet of vehicles, we are able to handle dedicated contracts as well as return load work for a wide range of clients.
We feel that one of the key strengths here at Swannells Transport is our dedicated commitment to providing an excellent level of customer service to our clients. We are a small enough company to care about the needs of each and every one of our clients, but we are also big enough to handle large-scale delivery projects with great ease. This great combination of personal attention and professional expertise is what sets us apart and has allowed us to maintain a reputation for excellence throughout our 40-year successful history.
As we look towards the future for this year and beyond, we are always interested in hearing from new clients who are in need of reliable, professional and efficient delivery services. Whether you are a small business looking for a trusted partner to handle your shipping needs, a new start-up business venture or even a larger organisation with complex logistics requirements, we have the capabilities to meet your individual needs.
So if you need a delivery partner who is both small enough to care and big enough to deliver, look no further than Swannells Transport. We have the experience, expertise, and dedication to ensure that your goods are delivered on time and in perfect condition, every time.
To discuss your haulage requirements please call our friendly team today at Swannells Transport on 01487 822065 – www.swannells.co.uk
Driving in the heat can be dangerous, very hot weather can hinder your vehicle and your ability to drive safely. Here are some things that you can do to stay safe on the roads this summer:
Travel earlier or later in the day:
During the summer, the hottest part of the day will be between the hours of 10 am and 5 pm. Try to schedule your travel time before or after those hours. It will keep you cool, keep you out of the main traffic and will reduce stress.
Prepare for road congestion:
With many people going on holiday, there will be more cars on the road and it will lead to heavy congestion. Make sure you have snacks and cold water In the car in case of long wait times. It’s extremely important to keep hydrated.
Inspect your car:
– Tires
Heat causes air in your tires to expand. If there is too much pressure, your tires can blow out. Prevent this from happening by checking the tread and pressure before setting off.
– Coolant System
The pressure caps, hoses, belts, and radiator should all appear in good condition with no cracks or obvious wear. Make sure there are no leaks.
– Fluid Levels
Make sure your coolant levels are adequate before you leave, and take along some extra coolant and oil if you have room.
Wear Sunglasses:
Wearing sunglasses when you are behind the wheel for a summer road trip is a smart and easy way to protect your eyes from potential ultraviolet (UV) damage. Wearing sunglasses limits the impact of sun glare, which occurs when the sun’s strong rays reflect off other vehicles’ windshields or mirrors, road signs, building windows, and other smooth, reflective surfaces.
If you wear prescription glasses, consider purchasing a pair of prescription sunglasses or investing in transition lenses that automatically adjust depending on the light.
Dazzle from the sun causes lots of accidents but you can reduce the effect by keeping your windscreen nice and clean, and by replacing worn or damaged windscreen wipers.
Consider Summer Allergies:
In England alone, around 10 million people live with hay fever – a condition that makes driving very difficult.
Hay fever tablets are known to have side effects such as blurred vision and drowsiness, which can impair a person’s ability to drive. Therefore, make sure to check the label of your medication before taking it – especially if you’ll be driving shortly afterwards.
Safe Driving:
Hot weather simply puts a higher load on your vehicle, so pushing it to drive at high speeds can wear it down even further. Drive the speed limit to reduce the wear on your vehicle and practice safe driving habits simultaneously.
As the years go by, there is an increasing need for every business and organisation to be more considerate of their carbon footprint every day. The transportation industry is undoubtedly the reason why fuel consumption in the country is so high, but we are also responsible for over 80% of all goods transported across the country and overseas, so the industry and workload is vital for the economy.
Across all sectors nationwide, a review of existing processes and systems is underway to identify the strengths and weaknesses, and any opportunities to minimise these impacts at a significant rate. Asa Haulage company in Cambridgeshire, we understand that achieving this will be a huge step in support for not only the UK but the world’s climate targets in creating a brighter future and less-damaged environment for generations to come.
Improving sustainability standards within the transportation industry will involve important evolution in how communities move around, how products are transported, and how future road routes are designed. But there are also plenty of things HGV drivers individually can do to reduce their company’s carbon footprint.
1. Walk or bike to work
While you can’t exactly avoid these long journeys in your HGV, as it is your job and it is the most effective way of transporting goods to short and long distances, you definitely can adjust your method of transportation on getting to work and back. If you live a reasonable distance from your workplace, biking and walking are healthy, eco-friendly alternatives. Don’t forget… Every little helps!
Walking or Biking to Work: Reducing our Carbon Footprint as a Haulage company in Cambridgeshire
2. Don’t run on empty
It is estimated that around a third of HGVs run empty during their journey. This occurs more frequently on the vehicle’s journey home, as most drivers tend to fill up before or during the journey ahead, so the return leg of the journey is essentially an empty trip – increasing in carbon footprint and wasting time, money, and fuel.
In addition to this, due to the increasing expenses of running this type of business, there is an escalating pressure for haulage companies to minimise costs by day. And it’s safe to say, HGVs running on empty doesn’t contribute to that nicely. Make sure your vehicle has a reasonable amount of petrol throughout the whole trip – making use of this can help cut out millions of miles of journeys with empty vehicles, reducing your carbon footprint and improving costs, too.
3. Watch your speed limit
This goes hand in hand with being safe on the road, in general, but one of the simplest and easiest ways to help reduce your carbon footprint is to adapt an effective driving habit of watching your speed limit. The more you put your foot down, the harder it will be to avoid emitting extra CO2 into the atmosphere.
Watch Your Speed Limit: Haulage company in Cambridgeshire
4. Recycle rubbish
Long journeys will definitely involve some snacks and drinks on the way. It keeps drivers energised and motivated throughout the day. However, eating and drinking in your vehicle will inevitably cause a build-up of rubbish, especially if you don’t have your own little bin.
As this is your job, the presentation of your vehicle will represent your company, so it’s important it is clean and free from rubbish. When disregarding your plastic bottles and food wrappers, be sure to dispose of them appropriately using bins and recycling sources.
5. Plan your routes to minimise driving time
Planning your route before leaving for your journey will not only keep you organised, but it will also save time and petrol. Getting lost is also very irritating! If you take a wrong turn, come across a big traffic jam, or a road closure, you are forced to turn around and find a different route to make your delivery on time.
Relevantly, this extra driving time will increase the fuel consumption of your journey. Perhaps not a lot, but enough to produce more greenhouse gases. And now more than ever, creating sustainable transport is vital for the industry.
Have you got a long drive coming up? With lockdown completely changing our day-to-day-lives in the last four months, it wouldn’t come as a surprise if you’ve forgotten how to cope on a long journey!
Worry not – throughout the whole duration of lockdown, Swannells Transport and the rest of the haulage industry have remained as resilient as possible.
Given our experience with long-distance driving, we thought we’d give you a few pointers that will make your long journey more manageable. For a safe and happy drive, follow these points to keep you focused and entertained on the move.
1. Make sure you have plenty of rest.
Make sure you have a good night’s rest before you take on the journey. It’s so important you have good energy levels on long journeys to keep you and others safe. If you feel yourself getting tired, pull over in a safe place, and have a nap or stop for food and physical activity, this will definitely keep you focused and safe during your drive.
2. Check your vehicle prior to leaving.
Prevent a breakdown or even an accident by checking your oil, water, tire pressure and petrol level before leaving for your long journey. This will keep you confident when driving.
3. Plan your routes.
There possibly isn’t anything more stressful than getting lost or coming across a road closure during a long journey, which can cause extra stress due to following diversion signs. Long journeys come with a lot of “What Ifs”, including:
What if I run out of petrol?
What if I need to go to the toilet?
What if I break down?
What if I get lost or there are roadworks?
Get one step ahead of these questions and plan your route. Using a map or useful navigation tool, plan a safe and efficient route suitable for your vehicle. Consider peak times and do some research on any upcoming roadworks on that route. It may also be a good idea to think of alternative routes in case there is a road closure.
Planning your route for a long drive
4. Think food and drink.
Not only does the food and drink we consume have the nutrients and energy we need to function, but it also keeps us happy. Prior to the journey, make sure you have a healthy and enjoyable dinner the night before and a nutritional breakfast in the morning. Try and avoid unhealthy meals before the journey because this has been known to cause discomfort.
Additionally, research the route of your journey to see what food options are on the way. You can plan your stops for food and drink as well as keeping some nibbles for the journey, too.
5. Leave with plenty of time.
Make sure you leave with plenty of time to make your destination. You never know what could happen or what you could come across on a long drive, such as a traffic jam or you’re in the mood to grab a bite to eat. This will keep you less stressed and make the journey more enjoyable.
6. Keep Cool
Driving in a hot or cold vehicle in the wrong attire is completely uncomfortable, but now you’ve got to battle it out the entire journey – too bad you didn’t check the weather and plan ahead, right?
No driver of any kind could bear a long journey wearing clothes that aren’t suitable for the weather. Check the forecast in the morning; if it’s due to be cold, wear an outfit that will keep you warm and then bring an extra jumper for just in case. The same goes when it’s hot weather, wear an outfit that will keep you cool but bring a jumper just in case it gets cold. Doing this will keep you comfortable and focused on the roads.
7. Entertain Yourself
Keeping yourself entertained is so important. It keeps you feeling motivated for the rest of the journey ahead. When you are on the move, make sure you have something to make the time pass, like music or a podcast – but be safe.
Keep yourself entertained during a long drive
Swannells Transport – Haulage Company in Cambridgeshire…
At Swannells Transport, we have an experienced team of haulage professionals ready to deliver the highest standard of services for which we have become renowned for in Cambridgeshire and throughout the UK. We have a fleet of 16 vehicles including dedicated drivers who are trained to enjoy and carry out short/long journeys.
Get in touch with us today or give our Facebook page a like for more fun blogs and updates.
As a haulage company in Cambridgeshire, we understand how our deliveries can affect the environment. That’s why we have collected 8 small things you can do at home on a daily basis to make a difference.
Save The Planet! – Haulage Company in Cambridgeshire
1. Unplug Overnight!
Think about how many plugs you have running throughout your home every day and night – are you impressed with yourself? All you need to do is walk around the house before you go to sleep and unplug all unnecessary devices (which is probably about 90% of them). This includes toasters, microwaves, chargers, hair dryers, game consoles etc. Doing this will dramatically impact your electricity usage and your bill for the better, and it only takes up about 5-10 minutes of your daily time!
2. Use Energy Efficient Bulbs & Reduce Lighting
Energy efficient lightbulbs are a very simple way of reducing the amount of power you use. These products are cost-effective and don’t change a thing in your home, apart from your energy bills! Also, why have the light’s on if no one is in there? Reduce the amount of time your lights are on, or alternatively, invest in some candles!
3. Recycle
Glass, plastic, metals etc. Recycle them! Throwing these materials into a regular bin transports them to the landfill site where harmful chemicals and greenhouse gases are produced and released into the atmosphere, polluting the air! Recycling simply reuses this wasted product and decreases the amount of these harmful gases being emitted. Therefore, aim to invest in recyclable products and a recycle bin.
4. Donate Unwanted Things
From clothes to unwanted furniture, there’s no point just throwing them away when they can be reused! If they are still in good and useable condition, you can perhaps give these unwanted things to a friend or family member or even to a charity organisation. This might not necessarily be savingthe planet but it certainly stops you from increasing waste!
5. Hang Your Washing Out
Get yourself a washing line and hang your washing out! This will stop you from using your washing machine and dryer on a regular basis, which can be very convenient financially. This is a great time to do so, especially as the sun is beginning to come out!
6. Have a Vegetarian Day!
Giving up meat for life is a big step! But as we are only doing small changes, today, why not start by having one meat-free day a week? Did you know that it takes almost 3,000 gallons of water to produce a single pound of beef? So whilst you can’t stop this meat production, reducing the amount of meat you eat for one single day can make a big difference.
7. Don’t Waste Essentials
Consider the amount you waste on tissues, paper and other essentials you could use on a regular basis. We’ve all done it, we’ve taken napkins or written down notes we have never ended up using, then ended up throwing them away. This can save a lot of money for landfills, even if you only used one less a day!
8. Limit Water
I think it’s fairly obvious our water levels rise the most in the bathroom! However, there are simple ways you can lower those levels. For example, when you are cleaning your teeth, turn the tap off when you are not using it, and opt for a shower rather than a bath. It can seriously make a difference to your bills and the amount of water that is wasted.
Haulage Company in Cambridgeshire
Haulage Company in Cambridgeshire…
As a haulage company in Cambridgeshire, Swannells Transport wants to help save the planet in the best ways possible! We hope you take thee tips into consideration. Get in contact with us today for all haulage enquiries…
If you work for a haulage company in Cambridgeshire, you could probably relate when we say it’s a busy environment and there is a lot of responsibility involved. With this in mind, it’s not only important but vital that all goods are stored, packaged and loaded securely in order for a safe delivery.
Haulage Company in Cambridgeshire – SAFETY
We are Swannells Transport, a top-quality haulage company in Cambridgeshire. We are a passionate team determined to ensure safe delivery to all packages and goods held within our responsibility. To prove our worth, we have created our very own SAFETY checklist that you can follow when transporting and warehousing goods.
Securely loaded
All of these points are highly important, but our ‘S’ point is easily the most obvious. Anyone that works within the haulage industry that deals with warehousing, packaging or driving should be aware of the loading and unloading protocols they learnt in their training. To elaborate, all goods that are packaged up ready for delivery need to be securely loaded in the correct and effective manner. This includes packaging materials, the correct transport equipment i.e. the vehicle it’s loaded onto and the forklifts that are used to assist with both loading and unloading, and the equipment used to keep these things in place during the journey. Failure to do this can result in significant damage to the goods and a bad impression on the company.
Here at Swannells Transport, we offer excellent services like any other general haulage company in Cambridgeshire, but our teams are fully trained and committed to ensuring loads are safely and securely loaded and delivered on time and with big smiles!
All parts of your vehicle is checked
Before you leave for your journey, a thorough inspection of your vehicle is required. This includes checking tyre pressure, fuel, water and oil levels and also that the load isn’t breaking weight limit laws. Failure to do this can actually cause significant issues – not only could it affect delivery time, but it can generally be quite dangerous to you and other vehicles around you. For instance, if you suddenly break down in your particularly larger-sized vehicle, it will essentially be harder to pull over which can cause traffic jams or even accidents if done unsafely.
Follow the laws
Regardless if you are driving in a HGV, Ford Fiesta or you’re even a bike, it’s 100% mandatory that you follow the road and general laws whilst making a delivery. As a professional haulage company AND a human being, you should be aware that your vehicle is much larger than the others around you, which means you are much more dangerous and should be completely focused during the journey. This includes:
No usage of mobile phones during your journey.
Both eyes on the road at all times.
After 4 and a half hours of driving, it is a legal requirement that you stop in a safe place for resting. If you get tired before this, please stop in a safe place regardless.
You have valid and legal documents/registration showing you are qualified and permitted to drive these vehicles and makes these deliveries.
There are so many other laws and regulations, but we don’t want to completely bore you with them. As a professional haulage company in Cambridgeshire, we understand how vital it is to follow these rules to prevent accidents and serious damage to our vehicles, brand and more importantly, ourselves and others.
Everything needs a logo
Haulage Company in Cambridgeshire – Logo
This isn’t necessarily a mandatory move to ensure a safe drive, but it’s part of the branding process. You see, we don’t always mean safe as in protected from danger, but you also need to protect your brand too. That’s why, during the production, storage, packing, loading, unloading and delivery of your goods, you need to ensure your logo pops up in the best places. As a business owner, we hope you have an effective marketing strategy that helps with brand awareness and customer experience, because it is the exact thing that earns you business in the first place.
As a result of this, to ensure you keep your brand safe, make your logo pop up everywhere for some returning customers.
Back to the journey now – when you are running out of time, you tend to begin rushing, which doesn’t always get things done correctly, completely, or even safely. In terms of haulage, we would recommend you allow plenty of journey time to prevent any accidents or damage. This includes saving time for traffic, rest, any emergency route changes etc. It makes you much more relaxed and concentrated – so make sure you do it!
You have a trustworthy team
Finally, our ‘Y’ point! To finalise a safe delivery, make sure you have a trustworthy team. This involves experience, health both mentally and physically and passion. This can make your company not only look impressive and reliable but be impressive and reliable too!
Swannells Transport: Haulage Company in Cambridgeshire…
Here at Swannells Transport, we are a respectful, experienced team of individuals here to help with all things warehousing, transport and general haulage company in Cambridge.
For all enquiries or more information, contact us today or visit Swannells Transport’s Facebook Page.
We are a Haulage Company in Cambridgeshire, hoping to help you prepare you and your HGV for a long journey…
As an official HGV driver taking on a long journey, it’s important you are prepared both physically and mentally for it. Whether you are a qualified driver or training to be one, everyone should know the risks of driving (or driving nearby) a Heavy Goods Vehicle. Not to worry, as we have collected a few tips and protocols you can use to prepare for your long journey.
Haulage Company in Cambridgeshire
Loading The Vehicle
As the driver, it is your responsibility to be aware of the load you are carrying, including the weight and fragility of it. You also need to make sure the load is secure in the correct manner, in order to prevent any damage to the products and an unhappy customer. As a general rule, it would be an effective idea to distribute the weight of the load evenly to increase the stability, with the centre of gravity of the load kept as low as possible.
Overall, there are lots of things to think about and the information you need to know about when loading your vehicle, such as:
Calculating the payload.
Knowing the weight limit of your vehicle.
Is the load fully secure?
Does the load need to be covered? (in case of weather conditions etc.)
Consider harsh braking or any sudden acceleration.
Are you going to stop for a break? If so, it would be a good opportunity to check the load when you stop.
Know about the load – the vehicle operator MUST give you information on the load, including procedures to take in case of an emergency.
Be prepared to lift loads safely – there is a chance you will be lifting and doing some manual work before/after your journey, so making sure you have the right knowledge, equipment and health to do so, you can prevent an injury.
Are You Fit Enough To Drive?
Whether you are driving on a holiday with your family or travelling alone in a lorry, you need to make sure you are fit enough to drive. All it takes is one mistake to cause injury, damage to your vehicle, mental health issues or even death, so is it worth it? As an official HGV driver, you should know the correct conditions to be in in order to be fit enough to drive, and what to do to avoid your wrong state approaching.
In order to keep yourself fit enough to drive, there are many long-term and short-term procedures you can take to ensure safe journeys. Regarding short-term, this involves having a healthy dinner and a great sleep the night before, as well as making sure you have no alcohol or drugs in your system and you have the right essentials in the vehicle with you such as water, snacks, tissues etc. Small little things can contribute to how you feel in the morning, so ensuring you have the right energy and motivation levels will make your journey a lot more fun and most importantly, safe.
On the other hand, long-term factors include getting regular medical checks and physiotherapy (if you have an injury) will give you the complete green light that you are healthy enough to make this journey. Even before you become an official HGV/LGV driver you need to hand in an up-to-date medical report with your application. This is to prevent any companies hiring someone unhealthy, as these jobs are no walks in the park.
Knowing & Following Drivers’ Rules
When you are driving in any vehicle you should ALWAYS be obeying the law i.e. no dangerous driving, following the speed limits and no driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. However, when you are driving a Heavy Goods Vehicle, you also need to follow a few more laws, such as the Drivers’ hours rules.
Furthermore, having an accident in a car can be fatal, but having an accident in an HGV can be catastrophic! That’s why there are official rules that prevent professional drivers working for a haulage company from being in control of their vehicle for too long, in order to prevent serious accidents. It has been reported that one in six serious accidents are caused by a driver falling asleep at the wheel, so these rules are put in place to decrease that rate. Fail to follow these rules and you (and your employer) could face a punishable fine and the potential risk of losing your HGV license.
On your long journey, make sure you take regular breaks to get your energy levels back up, even if it’s overnight!
As a Haulage Company in Cambridgeshire, we have a team of experienced professionals all trained with the right knowledge and control of our heavy good vehicles all to provide you with great customer service and a safe time on the road. Let us deliver you with the best service by contacting us today!
HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicle) drivers are responsible for the transportation of goods between suppliers and customers. It is a significant job that requires a wide amount of knowledge and awareness. You probably pass these huge vehicles every day but have you ever considered what it takes to be qualified to be behind the wheel of one? If so, that is precisely what we are talking about today.
Haulage Company in Cambridgeshire
Before you become an official HGV driver…
Employees must provide valid evidence that they:
Are 18 years old or more.
Have a full driving license.
Have a Certificate of Professional Competence.
Have completed a training course/apprenticeship relevant to the job (this only applies to some jobs.
Failure to provide this will result in your application being rejected. Not only do you need these significant requirements, but you need to be well informed on the job you are applying for, especially for this industry. This meaning, you need to understand the dangers and benefits of entering the profession. For example, balance the facts that although you will become acquainted with different parts of the country, whilst meeting new people, representing the brand AND getting paid simultaneously, you will also be driving a huge vehicle containing important, fragile goods, all in various weather conditions and surrounded by pedestrians and other much smaller vehicles.
The whole team at Swannells Transport are fully educated and qualified to drive our heavy goods vehicles and are fully aware of both the benefits and dangers of this profession.
Responsibilities of an HGV driver:
According to The Telegraph, the daily responsibilities HGV driver’s may have to face every day are:
Plan and take delivery routes that provide the best journey productivity.
Coordinate and organise drop-offs and pick-ups with customers.
Supervise the loading and unloading of deliveries.
Ensure products are safe and secure in the vehicle.
Check routes for alterations i.e. traffic, accidents, roadworks.
Inspect lorries thoroughly before leaving for journeys.
Logging hours and filling in delivery forms.
Responsible for any maintenance of the vehicle.
Reports any accidents or issues with the company dispatcher.
Be polite and respectful to all customers, represent the brand.
Skills of an HGV driver:
For any job in any industry it’s important you have some sort of skills to expose in your application or portfolios. For an HGV driver, some of the typical (and obvious) skills you may need are:
Excellent driving skills.
Road safety knowledge
Independent work.
Customer service skills.
Manners and politeness.
The ability to complete paperwork on time and accurately.
Good physical stamina.
Time management.
After you have become an official HGV driver…
So we have discussed what you need to do before you become an official HGV driver, but what about after you have become qualified?
Well, HGV drivers can continue training to obtain qualifications such as an Advisory Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) Certificate – meaning that they can handle more hazardous materials and drive a tanker.
You can also work your way up the career ladder, upgrading to higher paying positions such as an LGV instructor or maybe even the manager of an HGV company.
Here at Swannells, we are a group of confident, educated and qualified drivers, contact us today or visit our careers page to find out more!
Operators are being urged to check their brakes after more than one in ten lorries stopped by the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) were mechanically defective and around a quarter of the defects found affected the brakes of the vehicle.
The latest figures published by the Fleet Compliance Checks (FCC) survey gave an idea of the number of unsafe lorries, trailers and buses, both British and foreign, using Britain’s roads. Some of the FCC’s findings include:
More than one in ten vehicles had a defect serious enough to warrant a prohibition (a DVSA order to fix the issue quickly or immediately)
Since 2011, there has been a rise in the number of serious prohibitions for things such as steering and brakes
Brake defects are the most common defect across all types of vehicle, across both foreign and British vehicles.
As a result of the findings, the DVSA is urging all vehicle operators, transport managers and driver to check their brakes, regularly, as part of their overall maintenance programme, to ensure all vehicles are safe to drive.
Swannells Transport – Haulage Companies in Huntingdon
The DVSA’s chief executive, Gareth Llewellyn, had this to say: “DVSA is committed to helping you keep your vehicle safe to drive. Brakes that don’t work, particularly in something with the weight and power of a lorry, can devastate families and their communities. So it’s disappointing that a minority of operators are still not performing effective checks. If we catch you with brakes that don’t work we will take your vehicles off the road to ensure the safety of the travelling public.”
Thank you for reading the latest news from Swannells Transport. Here at Swannells Transport we have an experienced team of haulage professionals ready to deliver the highest standard of service for which we have become renowned for in Cambridgeshire and throughout the UK. To deliver is everything, and here at Swannells Transport we deliver a service that our clients have come to recognise as something that helps to improve their own business and service to their clients.
The number of people who have fallen victim to identity theft last year rose 57% from the previous year, according to the most recent figures. The annual cost of fraud in the UK is around £190bn – amounting to nearly £3,000 per person in the UK.
While the UK finance industry is making moved to attempt to stamp out fraud by developing secure verification software such as voice biometrics, other industries have been slower to respond, including the transport industry.
Driving licenses are regularly used as a means of identification and the DVLA could and should be doing more to tackle the growing number of illegal drivers on the roads, some of which hold counterfeit driving licenses. Whilst it is difficult to put a precise number on the problem, as there is no data available on the number of counterfeit driving licenses in circulation. You only have to search Google to find a number of UK and overseas websites who are prepared to sell you fake driving licenses, as well as other ID documents.
A Great Threat – Swannells – Warehousing Cambridgeshire
According to License Check Ltd, counterfeit driving licenses pose a great risk to fleet operators, deliver companies and almost any organisation that requires employees to drive. Managing Director of License Check Ltd, Richard Brown, had this to say: “Ensuring an employee holds a valid driving licence is one of the required checks that organisations should carry out, in order to address their Duty of Care obligation. If such basic checks do not take place, employers (including senior management) may be criminally liable for any deaths or serious injury that occur as a result of a road traffic accident, involving an employee who is driving on company business.
“Whilst many organisations are prioritising driver compliance, some fleet managers with a small number of vehicles, simply take a copy of an employee’s driving licence, without undertaking any further checks. This is worthless, especially when a counterfeit licence can be quickly and easily purchased online.
Warehousing Cambridgeshire – Swannells
He continued: “The simple answer is for the DVLA to supply third party licence checking providers with more data. For example, each driving licence carries a Unique Identifier (generated by the card manufacturer) which is a unique reference etched into a Driving Licence. If the DVLA made the Unique Identifier available to licence checking providers, an enhanced check could be carried out and lost, stolen or forged cards could easily be flagged up and withdrawn from circulation.