As a haulage company in Cambridgeshire, we understand how our deliveries can affect the environment. That’s why we have collected 8 small things you can do at home on a daily basis to make a difference.

1. Unplug Overnight!
Think about how many plugs you have running throughout your home every day and night – are you impressed with yourself? All you need to do is walk around the house before you go to sleep and unplug all unnecessary devices (which is probably about 90% of them). This includes toasters, microwaves, chargers, hair dryers, game consoles etc. Doing this will dramatically impact your electricity usage and your bill for the better, and it only takes up about 5-10 minutes of your daily time!
2. Use Energy Efficient Bulbs & Reduce Lighting
Energy efficient lightbulbs are a very simple way of reducing the amount of power you use. These products are cost-effective and don’t change a thing in your home, apart from your energy bills! Also, why have the light’s on if no one is in there? Reduce the amount of time your lights are on, or alternatively, invest in some candles!
3. Recycle
Glass, plastic, metals etc. Recycle them! Throwing these materials into a regular bin transports them to the landfill site where harmful chemicals and greenhouse gases are produced and released into the atmosphere, polluting the air! Recycling simply reuses this wasted product and decreases the amount of these harmful gases being emitted. Therefore, aim to invest in recyclable products and a recycle bin.
4. Donate Unwanted Things
From clothes to unwanted furniture, there’s no point just throwing them away when they can be reused! If they are still in good and useable condition, you can perhaps give these unwanted things to a friend or family member or even to a charity organisation. This might not necessarily be saving the planet but it certainly stops you from increasing waste!
5. Hang Your Washing Out
Get yourself a washing line and hang your washing out! This will stop you from using your washing machine and dryer on a regular basis, which can be very convenient financially. This is a great time to do so, especially as the sun is beginning to come out!
6. Have a Vegetarian Day!
Giving up meat for life is a big step! But as we are only doing small changes, today, why not start by having one meat-free day a week? Did you know that it takes almost 3,000 gallons of water to produce a single pound of beef? So whilst you can’t stop this meat production, reducing the amount of meat you eat for one single day can make a big difference.
7. Don’t Waste Essentials
Consider the amount you waste on tissues, paper and other essentials you could use on a regular basis. We’ve all done it, we’ve taken napkins or written down notes we have never ended up using, then ended up throwing them away. This can save a lot of money for landfills, even if you only used one less a day!
8. Limit Water
I think it’s fairly obvious our water levels rise the most in the bathroom! However, there are simple ways you can lower those levels. For example, when you are cleaning your teeth, turn the tap off when you are not using it, and opt for a shower rather than a bath. It can seriously make a difference to your bills and the amount of water that is wasted.

Haulage Company in Cambridgeshire…
As a haulage company in Cambridgeshire, Swannells Transport wants to help save the planet in the best ways possible! We hope you take thee tips into consideration. Get in contact with us today for all haulage enquiries…
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