Driver Drones – What’s the latest

Driver Drones – What’s the latest

We’re shifting into an interesting era in the world of work. With automation taking care of many labor tasks that used to make up whole industries, the employment market has shifted a lot more to creative jobs, writing, and anything that seemingly can’t be automated.

Technology continues to remove the human element

It seems reasonable to assume that technology will keep on removing the need for the human element in a lot more professions, and that driving will be automated at some point.

Human’s being replaced by technology has been forecast for some time. Back in 1930 Lord Maynard Keynes coined the phrase “Technological Unemployment”, and recently Stephen Hawking expanded this to say “robots with artificial intelligence could take over the world in the next 100 years.” Even from Hawking this seems a bit of a far-fetched and apocalyptic scenario, better pitched to a television production company than the public. But with Apple reportedly developing a driverless car, it seems likely that driving jobs could be eradicated one day in the near future.


Research points to empowering your drivers

Assuming there isn’t an army of driver robots ready to take over your fleet of vehicles just yet, it’s worth taking a look at how to encourage the best out of your working driving fleet. Employers tend lean toward the instructive with their employees, but a lot of research points to empowering your drivers with the knowledge they need to improve to ensure a happy and productive working fleet. If you offer incentives based on driving efficiency and encourage some healthy competition in certain fields that would help improve your fleet then you’ll be heading in the right direction.

It’s a long way off, but the days of driverless vehicles are in sight

If you’re a professional driver, don’t go and panic just yet! It’s fair to say that the shift to fully automated vehicles is still a long way off. Technology is expensive to develop and usually more difficult to implement. Until it makes sense for owners of large vehicle fleets, it’s unlikely to impact the professional driving community much. Change is a natural thing though, and the days of driverless vehicles are definitely in sight…

Thanks for reading our latest news about driver drones, check back next week for more.