HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicle) drivers are responsible for the transportation of goods between suppliers and customers. It is a significant job that requires a wide amount of knowledge and awareness. You probably pass these huge vehicles every day but have you ever considered what it takes to be qualified to be behind the wheel of one? If so, that is precisely what we are talking about today.

Haulage Company in Cambridgeshire
Before you become an official HGV driver…
Employees must provide valid evidence that they:
- Are 18 years old or more.
- Have a full driving license.
- Have a Certificate of Professional Competence.
- Have completed a training course/apprenticeship relevant to the job (this only applies to some jobs.
Failure to provide this will result in your application being rejected. Not only do you need these significant requirements, but you need to be well informed on the job you are applying for, especially for this industry. This meaning, you need to understand the dangers and benefits of entering the profession. For example, balance the facts that although you will become acquainted with different parts of the country, whilst meeting new people, representing the brand AND getting paid simultaneously, you will also be driving a huge vehicle containing important, fragile goods, all in various weather conditions and surrounded by pedestrians and other much smaller vehicles.
The whole team at Swannells Transport are fully educated and qualified to drive our heavy goods vehicles and are fully aware of both the benefits and dangers of this profession.
Responsibilities of an HGV driver:
According to The Telegraph, the daily responsibilities HGV driver’s may have to face every day are:
- Plan and take delivery routes that provide the best journey productivity.
- Coordinate and organise drop-offs and pick-ups with customers.
- Supervise the loading and unloading of deliveries.
- Ensure products are safe and secure in the vehicle.
- Check routes for alterations i.e. traffic, accidents, roadworks.
- Inspect lorries thoroughly before leaving for journeys.
- Logging hours and filling in delivery forms.
- Responsible for any maintenance of the vehicle.
- Reports any accidents or issues with the company dispatcher.
- Be polite and respectful to all customers, represent the brand.
Skills of an HGV driver:
For any job in any industry it’s important you have some sort of skills to expose in your application or portfolios. For an HGV driver, some of the typical (and obvious) skills you may need are:
- Excellent driving skills.
- Road safety knowledge
- Independent work.
- Concentration/alertness.
- Customer service skills.
- Manners and politeness.
- The ability to complete paperwork on time and accurately.
- Good physical stamina.
- Time management.
After you have become an official HGV driver…
So we have discussed what you need to do before you become an official HGV driver, but what about after you have become qualified?
Well, HGV drivers can continue training to obtain qualifications such as an Advisory Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) Certificate – meaning that they can handle more hazardous materials and drive a tanker.
You can also work your way up the career ladder, upgrading to higher paying positions such as an LGV instructor or maybe even the manager of an HGV company.
Here at Swannells, we are a group of confident, educated and qualified drivers, contact us today or visit our careers page to find out more!
Thanks for reading.