UK Roads not ready for autonomous HGVs – Swannells – Warehousing Huntingdon

UK Roads not ready for autonomous HGVs – Swannells – Warehousing Huntingdon

There’s no doubt that one day autonomous HGVs will have a place in the haulage and freight industry, but according to a report carried out by the Road Haulage Association (RHA), roads all across the UK are nowhere near ready for autonomous HGVs.

The government published a report claiming that “an early example of CAV (connected and autonomous vehicles) close to deployment.”

The report also stated that “HGVs may be one of the first that will take the advantage of CAV technologies because, if you are an operator, you have an interest in pence per mile rates and you can benefit in fuel economy platooning”

But the majority in the industry recognise that there will be a number of challenges if these plans are to go ahead, especially as you would still need to have a driver at the wheel along with the autonomous vehicle, does this mean you pay them less as they are not driving?

The RHA released a statement saying that the idea of CAV is being treated with caution.

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Before we see autonomous vehicles involved in the haulage industry, it is clear that serious change is needed for UK roads. While manual drivers have years of experience and are now used to the road conditions, autonomous vehicles may have only been tested on well layered, even roads.

Before the government looks to invest further into autonomous vehicles in the UK, the majority of the haulage industry recognises that the more serious issue is the state of the roads in the UK, and it is an issue that continues to hold the industry back. Once the roads have been sorted, then the government can look to invest further in autonomous vehicles.

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Lack of Investment To Blame For Poor Road Conditions – Swannells – Warehousing Huntingdon

The Freight Transport Association (FTA) have displayed their disappointed to the claim from Local Government Association (LGA)’s stating that freight transport is to blame for the poor condition of the roads in the UK. The FTA have instead pointed the blame on the lack of investment that infrastructure in the UK receives. The FTA have called on the government to reverse the downturn in spending on local infrastructure.

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Head of Policy at the FTA, Chris Snelling said:“Freight levels on our roads are still not back to the pre-recession totals of 2006,”

He continued: “so the LGA’s assertion that HGVs are solely responsible for the increased number of potholes on Britain’s roads is incorrect.  It also indicates a clear lack of understanding of the impact of freight vehicles.  Larger lorries do not cause increased damage to the road surface – in fact, they have more axles which spread payloads more evenly.  When combined with road-friendly twin tyres and road-friendly suspension, this reduces the impact of road usage by lorries.  Moving to a greater number of smaller vehicles would not ease the problem, but would simply compound the impact on an already weakened infrastructure.

“For the LGA to make this sort of statement, instead of discussing the issue with the freight industry, is simply a cheap attempt to make headlines and pass over responsibility for an issue which sits in their remit.  The real issue is the need for increased funding from central government to address the potholes problem nationwide.  Local authorities are facing large bills – one-off costs of approximately £69 million* per council – to bring their roads up to a reasonable condition.  If local authorities are not able to spend enough to do this now, then FTA wants to work with LGA in securing more support from national government to address the problem.

“The transportation of essential goods on our roads is crucial to the continued health of the economy, and to claim that lorries are the cause of the potholes across the country is simply not true.  We call on the government to make a significant investment to ensure that British business can keep moving smoothly, without potholes.”

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Diesel Cars in London – Swannells – Warehousing Huntingdon

Diesel Cars in London – Swannells – Warehousing Huntingdon

London’s air is so polluted that motorists should be given up to £3,500 to persuade them to get rid of their old diesel vehicles and replace them with more environmentally friendly vehicles, according to Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London.

The nitrogen dioxide that is emitted by diesel cars is a key contributor to London’s poor air quality, which is so bad that City Hall now advises the public to avoid leaving the house unnecessarily on the worst-affected days.

The Mayor of London is urging the government to introduce a scrappage scheme, costing around half a billion pounds, that would offer incentives to low-income households and businesses to scrap their older vehicles.

Kahn would also like to see the car tax redesigned so that it no longer gives drivers an incentive to choose a diesel car. “The toxic state of our air leaves us with no choice but to rid our city of the most polluting diesel vehicles. It is shocking that nearly half of new car sales in the UK are still diesel vehicles and the national system of vehicle excise duty still incentivises motorists to buy these polluting cars,” Khan said.

“I’m urging the government to immediately review this policy, and today I’ve delivered a detailed report on how it can deliver an effective national diesel scrappage fund. One that both fairly compensates motorists and rapidly helps clean up our filthy air.

Air pollution is thought to cause around 50,000 early deaths every year while costing £27.5bn to try and maintain. Last April it was called a ‘public health emergency’ by MPs.

Under the mayor’s proposed scheme, van drivers in London would be given up to £3,500 towards the cost of a cleaner model, and low-income households could receive a credit worth £2,000 that they could use on alternative transport, such as joining a car pool, or on a new vehicle.

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Improved Roadworks Information – Swannells – Warehousing Huntingdon

Improved Roadworks Information – Swannells – Warehousing Huntingdon

The Freight Transport Association (FTA) believe that the first 6 months of 2016 has been good for the transport industry and were quick to praise Highways England for the positive work that they have done. However, the FTA would like to see a better flow of information on forthcoming roadworks so that operators are able to plan ahead.

Long Term Certainty – Swannells – Warehousing Huntingdon

FTA’s comments followed publication of the Office of Rail and Road’s (ORR) first annual assessment of Highways England’s performance and delivery of its investment plan, covering the period from April 2015 to March 2016.

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FTA has supported the long-term certainty of £11.4 billion of funding for roads investment, of which around £2 billion is being related to 2015-16. Having said that, freight operators need the certainty of reliable information on the works that go to improving the road network to allow them to plan ahead better.

£1 Per Minute – Swannells – Warehousing Huntingdon

Unreliable journeys are disastrous for operators and can end up costing them around £1 per minute for each vehicle standing still in congestion and that cost has to be reduced by the industry. More certainty of plans going forward will provide the industry with important information and allow companies to make educated decisions on how they operate their fleets as these investments in the network are made.

FTA’s Head of Road Network Management Policy, Malcolm Bingham said: “It is good to see that Highways England has made a positive start within its first year. We can see that satisfaction in the performance of the network will improve if motorists and businesses are better informed as to how the road system will operate.”

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LGV Driver Apprenticeship Funding – Swannells – Warehousing Huntingdon

LGV Driver Apprenticeship Funding – Swannells – Warehousing Huntingdon

The news that a funding cap for the Supply Chain and Logistics LGV Standard, has been agreed and has been welcomed by the Freight Transport Association, who have described the agreement as a “step in right direction.”

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The news that there would be a funding allocation for LGV Driver Apprenticeships was made via a letter from David Sampson of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.

The FTA added that they were pleased that common sense had prevailed, with the Government allowing the logistics sector to include license acquisition training within the funding allocation for the Trailblazer LGV Driver Apprenticeship.

The FTA’s Skill Policy Manager, Sally Gilson, had this to say about the funding:  “Although the funding cap is lower than we hoped for, this is still a positive step by Government to help the industry grow the HGV drivers of the future. This will enable companies to capture a younger driver and gain funding for the licence acquisition training that will make apprenticeships a viable training solution.”

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Previously, there had been a lack of clarity from the Government which led to considerable lobbying by the logistics sector; this decision has been welcomed by the industry as it now has an official funding route.

Sally Gilson went on to add: “Now that businesses have this confirmation, they can prepare for the introduction of the levy and work with training providers to start their Apprenticeship Schemes.

“With the announcement of the Apprenticeship Levy last summer, it was crucial that industry had a usable LGV Driver Apprenticeship. This is excellent news and will finally provide a funded route for driver training.”

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‘Let’s get the economy moving’ – Warehousing Huntingdon – Swannells Transport

The Freight Transport Association (FTA) have stated that they have plans to write to Northern Ireland’s newly-appointed Infrastructure Minister to highlight key projects which are a priority for the logistics industry.

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On May 25th, Chris Hazard MLA was named as the Minister for the Department of Infrastructure, combining many of the responsibilities previously managed by the now defunct Department of Environment (DOE) and Department for Regional Development (DRD).

The DOE had ben responsible for road safety, roadside enforcement, vehicle testing, operator licensing and driver licensing. The DRD looked after road infrastructure, sustainability and public transport.

FTA’s Policy and Membership Manager for Northern Ireland, Seamus Leheny said: “FTA is pleased that all the transport-related departments in NI are now under the one department and Minister, meaning greater coherence between everything transport-related in local government.”

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Mr. Leheny stated that the FTA would write to the new Minister two outline two key priorities:

  • The Upgrades of the A6 Belfast to L’Derry road and the York Street Interchange in Belfast.
  • Protect compliant commercial goods vehicle operators and improve road safety through targeted and consistent enforcement by the Driver & Vehicle Agency and the Transport Regulation Unit.

Other transport matters which could arise during the new Minister’s term include the potential sale of Belfast Harbour and the development of new vehicle test centres. The FTA are keen to talk to the Minister about both of the matters.

Mr. Leheny added to his statement by saying: “FTA looks forward to working with Minister Hazzard and the newly-appointed Infrastructure Committee and continuing to be the voice of the transport industry at the Northern Ireland Assembly.”

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Prescription Drugs and Driving – Swannells – Warehousing Cambridgeshire

Prescription Drugs and Driving – Swannells – Warehousing Cambridgeshire

Drug driving prosecutions reached an all-time high last year, the Freight Transport Association (FTA) says that all motorists need to be made aware of laws regarding prescription drugs.

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Many drivers are aware of the drink driving limits but no so many drivers are aware of the changes to in law in England and Wales on medications including diazepam and tamazepam. Limits have been introduced for 8 commonly-prescriped drugs and anyone whose driving could possibly be impaired through exceeding the limit may face prosecution.

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Warehousing Cambridgeshire – Swannells

The penalty for drug driving is the same as drake driving in England and Wales, which results in an automatic ban for at least a year, a fine and in some cases six months in prison. In December 2014, lower alcohol limits were introduced in Scotland so it’s important that you are aware of the changes.

A report was conducted by, the comparison website. The report highlights a 144% increase in drug driving prosecutions in 2015, while one in every eight motorists admitted to feeling affected by prescription drugs and over-the-counter remedies, for example, hay fever tablets.

Key Updates – Swannells – Warehousing Cambridgeshire

To help all motorists on the road, Shopfta have produced a poster which contains all the relevant information to ensure that you are safe behind the wheel. The poster includes the following key updates:

The Road Traffic Act England and Wales

• New Scottish drink driving limits

• New drug driving laws and roadside testing

• Methods and time scales for drug detection

• Advice on prescription drugs use in the workplace

if you’re interested on buying a poster, click here.

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Government Infrastructure Plan – Warehousing Cambridge – Swannells

Government Infrastructure Plan – Warehousing Cambridge – Swannells

A newly-announced Government plan for national infrastructure has been welcomed by the freight industry as well as the Freight Transport Association (FTA). The National Infrastructure Delivery Plan has been called a co-ordinated and comprehensive approach to future infrastructure planning.

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The newly-announced plan, which was released last Wednesday, has brought together all of the Government’s infrastructure plans for the next five years. One of the plans that the government has committed to is the construction of a Northern Powerhouse, which would connect major towns and cities in the north. The plan highlights more than £425 billion of planned investment in 600 major projects over the next five years.

The FTA’s Director of Policy, Karen Dee, had this to say about the new plan:
“The Government is right to put so much emphasis on infrastructure – these networks are crucial to delivering economic growth. Transport improvements represent a large proportion of the projects, which is vital for a trading nation that relies on the movement of goods and services.”

The plan includes a a major road and rail investment package including £15 billion to support Highways England in transforming the Strategic Road Network and support the biggest rail modernisation since the Victorian times.

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Miss Dee later continued to say: “Given the unprecedented levels of Government and private sector funds being made available, it is essential to ensure efficient and effective delivery of projects. The National Infrastructure Delivery Plan is a welcome development as it presents a co-ordinated and comprehensive view of what needs to be delivered over the next few years and establishes a process for identifying what comes next.”

If you would like to see the full government plan, just click here.

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Clearing Calais – Warehousing Huntingdon – Swannells Transport

Clearing Calais – Warehousing Huntingdon – Swannells Transport

After responding to a court ruling in favour of the French government’s plan to clear part of the migrant camp in Calais the Freight Transport Association (FTA) has called it a ‘step in the right direction’.

The camp, which has been called a ‘Jungle’ is set to be cleared after a court in France stated that eviction of the camp was legal.

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The camp is called home by around 5,000 migrants, the majority of which are reportedly looking to reach Britain by crossing the Channel. Members of the FTA have reported an increase in violence and unrest with migrants attacking lorries and drivers on a daily basis. Many drivers are now being told to avoid stopping in areas on the approach to the port and Eurotunnel.

The problems started back in the summer of 2015, where migrants where arriving in mass numbers at the French port looking to get across the Channel.

FTA’s Head of European Policy – Pauline Bastidon, had this to say about the decision: “FTA welcomes the decision to start clearing the Jungle camp in Calais. We appreciate the need for careful consideration – as the clearance of the camp could be seen as violating the fundamental rights of the migrants. However, considerations should also be given to the rights of our members to go about their work without fear of violence or intimidation.

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She continued to say “Disruption caused in part by migrant activity last year cost the UK freight industry an estimated £750,000 a day, and we do not want to see that situation repeated. £89 billion worth of UK trade passes through the port every year so it’s crucial that a solution is found as a matter of urgency.”

The progress that has been made in the recent months has been encouraging, with an increase to security the main change including fencing around the Calais area. But the FTA are urging French and UK authorities to complete the secure truck parking facilities and the registration of migrants as a matter of urgency.

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